REMEMBER! Good oral hygiene and eating a healthy diet helps prevent gum disease


Scaling and Polishing



This treatment is used to treat periodontal diseases which occur when a bacterial infection develops where the gums join the teeth.

Harmful bacteria release enzymes which can cause underlying bone loss, receding gums and eventual tooth loss. The Periowave is a soft tissue laser.

It provides a quick and painless procedure which aims to deactivate the bacteria associated with periodontal disease, without the use of antibiotic therapy.

We use a non-thermal laser light combined with a photo-sensitising solution designed to remove targeted bacteria and inactivate virulent factors. Killing the progression of the disease and allows healing to begin.


What causes gum disease?

The common forms of gum disease begin with plaque (bacteria) building up on your teeth.  Plaque causes inflammation, infection and pain. Gums will look red, swollen and bleed and these are the first stages of Gingivitis.

The gum can then start to detach from the tooth forming pockets in which more plaque can accumulate. The bone supporting the tooth will gradually erode soon after.


  • Gums come away from teeth
  • Pus between teeth and gums
  • Persistent bad breath or bad taste
  • Permanent teeth that are loose or are changing position

Who gets gum disease?

It can begin as a child, but chronic periodontists normally affects adults.

  • Affects more than half of people over the age of 30
  • Often painless and may go undetected
  • Maybe genetic and inherited

Bacteria associated with periodontal diseases can travel in the blood stream and cause adverse health risks. Early detection is critical.